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Usage Guide

This section provides detailed descriptions of all the ways columbo can be used. If you are new to columbo, the Getting Started page provides a gradual introduction of the basic functionality with examples.

Static vs Dynamic Values

Before diving into the specifics about each Interaction type, it is important to understand how columbo supports both static and dynamic values. A static value is a value that is known when creating an Interaction instance. Frequently this will be a value like a string literal, but that is not a requirement.

In contrast, a dynamic value is one which depends on one or more answer provided by the user from a previous question. This is supported by accepting a function that takes an Answers dictionary as an argument and returns a value with the type of that static value would have. For example, the static value for message is str. Therefore, the dynamic value would be a function that accepts Answers and returns a string (Callable[[Answers],str]).

In most cases, any argument to an Interaction's constructor can be dynamic. This guide will explicitly mention when the constructor requires an argument to be a static value.

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